
1st tool from @WStorkWatching - White Stork Webcams on the Map

You can read the following paragraph among the Goals:
  • Develop and operate free tools for the community to help achieve the goals. #development #operation #FreeTools "
The first tool is a map of the nests which can be observe through the webcams.
87 webcams from 11 countries are currently available on the map.

If you know a webcam that is not yet on the map, please write in a comment! ;-)

Of course, this map can be found on the Maps page. >>
Clicking on the markers on the map provides some basic information about each camera, including a live image / stream link.

 online all year round
 online in breeding season
 doesn't work anymore


One week, a dozen followers

Already has a dozen followers for @WStorkWatching:

Every beginning is difficult, and this is a small step for mankind, but it's a giant leap for @WStorkWatching.

Thanks to all the followers! ;-)

Screenshot of Twitter (desktop version) ::: 28/11/2018
Screenshot of Instagram (desktop version) ::: 28/11/2018


@WStorkWatching already have Twitter & Instagram account

Check out the inserted Twitter box and follow @WStorkWatching, as well as the Instagram account.

No, we're not going to Facebook. No way. For the time being at least. >:)

Blog was born!

Today I've prepared the blog's surface.

That's what happened, not more.

It's a small step, but every beginning is difficult. ;-)