
The most popular tweets

@WStorkWatching has 70 followers on Twitter. What were the most popular tweets in the past two and a half months?

The table below shows the top 3.

The winner is only 3 days old. What was its secret? It's not hard to guess. A cute stork video on Valentine's Day. That's the secret: published on the right day and using a good hashtag.

Until 17 Feb 2019



Tweet Date 14 Feb 2019 6 Feb 2019 11 Jan 2019
Impressions 2759 1352 794
Media views 401
Total engagements 95 38 29
Media engagements 47 15 15
Likes 21 7 4
Detail expands 9 3
Retweets 7 4 3
Profile clicks 7 2 5
Hashtag clicks 3 2
Replies 1
Link clicks 5 2

Here is the top 3


What did the storks do in their nests in January?

What? If they were at home, mainly stood in the nest and didn't do anything else.
Of course this was just a joke. Or not? :)

#WSWW2019 in January:
  • Total number of nests observed: 112
  • Total number of observations: 756

When White Storks were observed in one of the nests, they stood in 89.1 percent of the cases. In addition, they often were sitting (12.6%) or preening (10.9%). Rarely observed when the Storks arrived or fly away. For more details look at the graph below.

As most of the working webcams are in Germany, of course, the observations were mostly in german nests.

In January, 88 observation forms were uploaded from Höchstadt's webcam nest! 
The only time that 3 adult Storks were observed in a nest was also here. :)

You can see below how frequent the observations were in  hours of the day, and the Storks presence / absence in the nest.